Saturday, January 18, 2014

Tea Tags

One of my more lovely friends has acquired the habit of collecting tea tags and making zines out of them. Since she does not drink enough non-looseleaf tea on her own to feed this urge to collect, I have gotten into the habit of saving tea tags for her. Just about every time I send her a letter I put the array of tea tags I've collected since my last letter in the bottom of the envelope. Collecting tea tags is a bit of a challenge for both of us, since we both prefer loose leaf teas. Fortunately my roommate has a surplus of bagged tea so she has henceforth aided us in the pursuit of this collection.

The tea package featured above with the tea tags belongs to a Licorice Peppermint herbal tea from Choice Organic Tea (my school's preferred tea brand.) I happened upon said package on the ground as I made my way out of the library on a brisk winter day. Seeing that it was both sealed and a tea I had never encountered I scooped it up. I swiftly returned home to brew it. It turned out to be just what I needed in that moment. The licorice and the peppermint circled around each other an enticing manner, drawing me in to their dance. The licorice added a depth to the peppermint that I hadn't experience before. I've been meaning to try it again ever since, but for some reason the moment has not yet arrived.

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