Wednesday, January 8, 2014

London Fog (Made With Choice Organic Teas)

I started today off mostly asleep. I was dreaming about swimming and it was such a lovely dream that  getting up and going to the first day of my beginning martial arts class seemed borderline impossible. To remedy this situation I made myself a cup of Townshend's pear green tea. I had just stared sipping it when I realized the time had come to leave the comfort of my cozy kitchen for my voyage to campus. I poured my tea into a travel mug as I flitted to and fro, gathering my belongings. Unfortunately by the time I reach my class my travel mug was no longer on my person. In my hurry I had abandoned it on my kitchen counter. I was still not awake enough to consider simply going without tea until the conclusion of my classes for the day, so after martial arts I meandered down to one of plethora of coffee shops my school harbors. I gazed lustfully at a brown sugar mocha but I knew what I had come for: a London Fog. 

I had seen London Fogs on menus around campus for about 6 months before I first sipped one. It took me that long to try one because I wasn't sure what they were and at the time I mostly frequented coffee shops for the purposed of purchasing actually coffee. Then towards the end of the school year -after 
I had given up coffee- I had an assignment in my Nutrition class to tell the class about a favorite drink and its nutritional value. I talked about Jasmine Tea and then one of my classmates present a diagram of a London Fog. Its components included earl grey tea, vanilla syrup and steamed milk. I was sold. I immediately started using London Fogs to fill the hole my mochas, lattes and cups of coffee with a lot of sugar had left. 

So here I am: in the library procrastinating a essay, slightly less asleep with a charming, comforting, caffeinating, London Fog. 


  1. You're so cool for running a tea blog. I have earl grey tea right now but I think I over steeped it a little. Oh well.

  2. I like London Fog Tea! Marion J Rojas
